Teller Report

Lower Saxony Football Association welcomes Corona resolutions

3/4/2021, 9:25:23 PM

display Barsinghausen (dpa / lni) - The Lower Saxony Football Association has welcomed the current Corona resolutions by the federal government and the prime ministers. «Our goal was and is to end the season sportily in all age groups. With the resolutions drawn up yesterday, there is hope and confidence that we can achieve this goal, ”said NFV President Günter Distelrath on Thursday evening. Ab


Barsinghausen (dpa / lni) - The Lower Saxony Football Association has welcomed the current Corona resolutions by the federal government and the prime ministers.

«Our goal was and is to end the season sportily in all age groups.

With the resolutions drawn up yesterday, there is hope and confidence that we can achieve this goal, ”said NFV President Günter Distelrath on Thursday evening.

Above all, the fact that with an incidence value of less than 100 children and adolescents up to 14 years of age in groups of no more than 20 people will be allowed to do sports together outdoors as early as March 8, is gratifying.

“The German Football Association and its regional associations have repeatedly shown politicians the fatal consequences of contact restrictions and permanent lack of exercise, especially for children and young people.

It is therefore very gratifying that our arguments were heard, »said Distelrath.

Thanks to the step-by-step plan, there are finally prospects in adult football.

In order to gain time, the association's board of directors decided to allow the season to be extended beyond June 30th until the beginning of the summer vacation (July 21st) at the latest in the divisions in which it is necessary.


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