Teller Report

ZERO artist Heinz Mack calls for the museums to be opened

2/28/2021, 9:36:43 AM

display Düsseldorf (dpa) - The ZERO artist Heinz Mack has called for the museums, which have been closed for months in the corona lockdown, to reopen soon. “I just can't imagine continuing to exclude the museums while opening up other areas at the same time,” Mack told the German press agency. «Just like food, art is also food. It doesn't work without that. " This also applies to the art of film,


Düsseldorf (dpa) - The ZERO artist Heinz Mack has called for the museums, which have been closed for months in the corona lockdown, to reopen soon.

“I just can't imagine continuing to exclude the museums while opening up other areas at the same time,” Mack told the German press agency.

«Just like food, art is also food.

It doesn't work without that. "

This also applies to the art of film, acting and music.

Heinz Mack, born in 1931, will be 90 years old on March 8th.

At the end of the 1950s he was a co-founder of the artist group ZERO in Düsseldorf, to which Otto Piene and Günther Uecker also belonged.

For artists, Mack called for more support from the state in the ongoing Corona crisis.

"Minister of State for Culture Grütters should think of the poorest among the artists," he said.

"Anyone who can be shown to have lived from their work as an artist and now has no more money needs to be helped."

Mack said that several young artists had asked him if they could work for him.

"This is a very serious situation for culture."


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Information about the exhibition Heinz Mack Kunstpalast Düsseldorf