Teller Report

Baked with cheese: the best recipes for casseroles, lasagna & co

2/26/2021, 9:36:14 AM

Help on unexpectedly cool evenings: switch on the stove! And put in a casserole. Whether made from pasta, potatoes or vegetables - you will find a casserole to suit your taste here!

Potato gratin with cheese and bacon

Thinly sliced ​​potatoes, cream, gratinated with cheese and then bacon: this gratin is a blast that tastes great with a salad as a main course.

Or as a fine accompaniment to a perfectly fried steak?


Parmigiana di melanzane

In this recipe, aubergine slices alternate with tomato sauce, parmesan and mozzarella.

The result tastes both warm as a main course and at room temperature as part of a starter platter.


The secret of our best lasagna is its simplicity: it consists of layers of a classic Bolognese sauce, which alternates with extra-wide ribbon noodles and a creamy bechamel sauce.

Cannelloni with pine nuts


If you love lasagne, you should definitely try cannelloni.

The filled and scalloped pasta tubes are a lot less complicated than they look.

We have prepared it in the vegetarian version.

Fennel au gratin

The fennel shows its best side with a golden yellow coat.

The tastiest way to do this is with a mixture of Parmesan and breadcrumbs.

Hugged by tomatoes and aromatic herbs.


Mostly you can find meatballs without a lot of frills on the buffet next to cheese skewers and Co. But this recipe has the potential to find a place on a finely laid table.

This text was first published on 01/30/2021