Teller Report

The head of the Council of Europe commented on the possibility of introducing vaccination certificates

2/25/2021, 8:56:07 PM

The heads of state and government of the European Union have made progress in negotiations on common certificates for vaccination against coronavirus infection COVID-19, said the head of the European Council Charles Michel.

“Today the issues of certificates were discussed in great detail.

After many hours of negotiations, we were able to take a step forward towards greater mutual understanding on this issue, ”RIA Novosti quotes Michel as saying.

According to him, there is still work to be done to resolve this issue.

The head of the European Council clarified that the EU leaders have not yet agreed on when such certificates will become effective, as well as for what purposes they will be used.

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the leaders of the EU countries agree that it is necessary to introduce electronic vaccination certificates in the future.

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