Teller Report

Calendar sheet 2021: February 24th

2/23/2021, 11:16:14 PM

display Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for February 24, 2021: 8th calendar week, 55th day of the year 310 days until the end of the year display Star signs fish Name day: Ethelbert, Matthias HISTORICAL DATA display 2020 - In Volkmarsen in northern Hesse, a 29-year-old German consciously drives his car into a carnival parade. More than 100 people, including many children, are in


Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for February 24, 2021:

8th calendar week, 55th day of the year

310 days until the end of the year


Star signs fish

Name day: Ethelbert, Matthias



2020 - In Volkmarsen in northern Hesse, a 29-year-old German consciously drives his car into a carnival parade.

More than 100 people, including many children, are injured, some seriously.

An act of terrorism is excluded.

2011 - The US space shuttle “Discovery” takes off on its 39th and last flight into space.

After almost 27 years of service, it becomes a museum piece.

2008 - Almost 50 years after the revolution, Cuba has for the first time a government without Fidel Castro.

The National Assembly elects Raúl Castro, the younger brother of the revolutionary leader, as chairman of the State Council.


1991 - In the Gulf War, Allied troops begin the ground offensive against Iraq to recapture Kuwait.

1981 - In the UK, Buckingham Palace officially announces the engagement of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer.

1971 - The Federal Constitutional Court confirms the ban on Klaus Mann's book "Mephisto - A Career Novel" in a landmark judgment.

It sees the personal rights of the late actor and artistic director Gustaf Gründgens violated.

1966 - Bloody coup in Ghana: While Kwame Nkrumah, the country's first president since independence, is on a trip to Asia, the army takes power in the country.

1901 - The Russian Orthodox Church excludes the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy from the church for "blasphemous statements".

1896 - The French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel reports for the first time about the natural radioactive radiation of uranium that he discovered.



1976 - Jan Koum (45), Ukrainian-American entrepreneur, co-founder of the WhatsApp chat service, which was sold to Facebook in 2014.

1976 - Yuval Noah Harari (45), Israeli historian (bestsellers “A Brief History of Humanity” and “Homo Deus”)

1971 - Moses Pelham (50), German rapper ("Herz")

1961 - Erna Solberg (60), Norwegian politician, Prime Minister since 2013

1786 - Wilhelm Grimm, German linguist and literary scholar («German Dictionary» together with Jacob Grimm), collected fairy tales and sagas with his brother, d. 1859


2019 - Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, German constitutional and administrative lawyer, judge at the Federal Constitutional Court 1983-1996, born in 1930

1984 - Helmut Schelsky, German sociologist ("The skeptical generation. A sociology of German youth"), born in 1912

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