Teller Report

Steel collective bargaining round: IG Metall wants to demand a volume of 4%

2/18/2021, 3:57:41 PM

display Düsseldorf (dpa) - IG Metall wants to go into the steel collective bargaining with a volume of claims of 4.0 percent. The union announced on Thursday that the collective bargaining commission for the north-west German iron and steel industry made a recommendation to the IG Metall board. In addition, the collective agreements on partial retirement, on the use of contracts for work and serv


Düsseldorf (dpa) - IG Metall wants to go into the steel collective bargaining with a volume of claims of 4.0 percent.

The union announced on Thursday that the collective bargaining commission for the north-west German iron and steel industry made a recommendation to the IG Metall board.

In addition, the collective agreements on partial retirement, on the use of contracts for work and services and to safeguard jobs for around 70,000 employees are to be extended.

The tariff volume should be able to be used to strengthen wages and training allowances as well as to finance measures to secure employment.

IG Metall entered the already ongoing collective bargaining for the metal and electrical industry with similar demands.

The employers firmly rejected the claim.

IG Metall is completely ignoring the existence-threatening loss of substance in industry as a result of the corona pandemic, as is the still very uncertain overall economic situation.

A collective bargaining agreement even close to the demands was "completely excluded".

The first round of negotiations is on March 1st


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