Teller Report

Wong Kar-wai: "We all recognize ourselves in loneliness and we all struggle to stop feeling alone"

2/13/2021, 1:08:04 PM

«Some things do not need to be said», is heard (since it is said) in In the mood for love (Desiring to love) and in its way the phrase transformed into ritual and metaphor is valid for de




Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 11:25

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"Some things do not need to be said", is heard (since it is said) in

In the mood for love (Desiring to love)

and in its way the phrase transformed into ritual and metaphor is valid to define an entire filmography.

The cinema of

Wong Kar-wai (Shanghai, 1958)

rises entirely on the precision of silence, on the certainty of loss, on pain, melancholy and, already put, the impossibility of love.

All of it seems like a beautiful paradox that would be said to be the perfect portrait of a time, this one of pa

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