Teller Report

Corona, live: Police close "conspiratorial" hairdressing salon in the basement

2/13/2021, 12:07:24 PM

A hairdresser in North Rhine-Westphalia faces a fine. The police discovered a fully furnished salon in his basement. The British Corona variant has now spread in Denmark. All news in the live ticker.


The police in Delmenhorst, North Rhine-Westphalia, have closed an unauthorized hairdressing salon in the basement of a house.

The police announced on Saturday that the premises were set up in a downright “conspiratorial” manner.

According to the Corona regulations, hairdressers are currently not allowed to work.

The 32-year-old owner had already been doing his business before this date, which the police forbade on Friday.

She initiated an administrative offense procedure.

The federal and state governments agreed on Wednesday to continue the current corona containment measures until March 7th.

The only exceptions are for hairdressers, schools and daycare centers.

Further opening steps, for example in retail, should only take place in the federal states when an incidence of 35 has been reached there.

The variant of the corona virus, which initially appeared in England, is now found in more than every fourth corona sample analyzed in Denmark.

This is based on preliminary figures from the Danish health institute SSI.

According to this, variant B.1.1.7 was detected in 28.5 percent of the samples sequenced up to Friday from the first week of February.

For comparison: in the week before, the share was still provisionally 20.3 percent, at the turn of the year it was only 2.1 percent.

The numbers are continuously updated and can therefore still change.

All developments in the live ticker