Teller Report

Rigaer 94: Police protection for experts - radical left scene reacts

2/12/2021, 5:09:01 PM

The contested house in Berlin-Friedrichshain will not be quieter. New court orders strengthen the owner and make the police responsible. The left-wing radical scene reacts immediately.


The ongoing conflict over the radical left-wing symbol project “Rigaer 94” in Berlin-Friedrichshain threatens to escalate again following the latest court decisions.

The owner of the partly occupied house asserted his right to enter the building and police protection for a fire protection expert in court.

Members of the left-wing radical scene immediately announced resistance.

There is only one answer: "Resistance on the street," wrote supporters of the residents on the Internet.

Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) announced on Friday that the owner's representative, the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district and the police would now “agree on a joint approach at short notice”.

It is about the quick implementation of fire protection.

The administrative court ruled on Thursday that the police had to protect a fire protection expert who should enter the house.

Entering the building is otherwise too dangerous.

In the past, a property manager and a lawyer were attacked and injured by several people when entering the house, according to the urgent decision announced on Friday.

A complaint can still be lodged against the court decision.


The police had previously refused protection because the ownership of the house had not been clarified.

The court saw it differently now.

Accordingly, the owner is "a legal entity in the legal form of a UK 'Limited'".

The representative of the owner is "duly authorized".

Now the owner can implement a building inspection order

According to information from the "Tagesspiegel" there is another new court order in the case.

In a preliminary injunction, the Court of Appeal decided that a representative of the owner and an expert for fire protection may enter all parts of the building complex as well as some apartments.

This allows the owner to implement an order from the building supervision of the district office.

She had ordered that possible deficiencies in fire protection be remedied.

The district court had previously rejected applications from the owner.

A spokesman for the High Court said on request that he could neither confirm nor deny an injunction.

Public information should only be given if both sides were aware of a court decision.


The “Rigaer 94” is one of the last symbols of the left-wing autonomous scene in Berlin.

Police officers are repeatedly attacked and cars set on fire in the vicinity of the house.

The legal disputes over the building have been going on for many years.

The district and the Senate had long argued about responsibilities.

The district office led by the Greens actively prevented measures to enforce fire protection against the radical left-wing occupiers in order not to let the situation escalate.

Senate and police did not intervene because the district and the owner were responsible and representatives of the owner could not prove their legal entitlement.

Announcement of the radical left scene

In the announcement of the left-wing radical scene, it was to be expected that an "attempted invasion ... with a planned siege" by the police was to be expected.

The argument “fire protection” is only a pretext, and actually there is a “desire to destroy the house and weaken the anti-capitalist resistance in Berlin”.

Call on everyone to “prepare for day X”.

“This can be expected from us again at any time.

May the cops choke on our rubble. "

Most recently, the occupied house "Liebig 34" was evacuated in October with a large number of police after years of dispute and several trials.

Even after that, there were repeated outbreaks of violence during protests by the radical left scene.

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