Teller Report

Yen exchange rate Small price movement

2/10/2021, 3:09:06 AM

[NHK] On the 10th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate have been modest. On the 10th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate have been modest. Market officials said, "American Fed = Federal Reserve Board's view that monetary easing will be prolonged has spread and long-term interest rates have fallen, so there is a move to sell dollars and buy yen. However, price movements are limited because there are movements to buy dollars in anticipation of s

On the 10th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate have been modest.

Market officials said, "American Fed = Federal Reserve Board's view that monetary easing will be prolonged has spread and long-term interest rates have fallen, so there is a move to sell dollars and buy yen. However, price movements are limited because there are movements to buy dollars in anticipation of settlement at the end of the fiscal year. "

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