Teller Report

Kim Jin-suk, walk 400km, Blue House March ends in 34 days

2/7/2021, 11:38:54 AM

Kim Jin-sook, a fired worker at Hanjin Heavy Industries, left Busan at the end of last year and arrived at the Blue House today on the 34th. Reporter Jeon Hyeong-woo first covered the reason why he had already reached his retirement last year and has walked 400 kilometers even though he is currently struggling with the disease.


Kim Jin-sook, a fired worker at Hanjin Heavy Industries, arrived at the Blue House today (7th) after leaving Busan at the end of last year.

Reporter Jeon Hyeong-woo first covered the reason why he had already reached his retirement last year and has walked 400 kilometers even though he is currently struggling with the disease.


On December 30 last year, Jin-sook Kim's walking march, which started in Busan, walked 400km and entered Seoul.

[Kim Jin-suk to the field.

Kim Jin-sook to the field.]

Hanjin Heavy Industries' dismissal Kim Jin-sook and 700 people named'Hope Duck' marched in groups of nine to follow the quarantine guidelines.

At about 3 pm, after a march on the 34th, we arrived at the final destination, the Blue House.

[Kim Jin-suk/Hanjin Heavy Industries Dismissal Worker: I took 34 days to get to this place to hear the answer.

I walked a thousand miles here to ask why those promises were not kept.]

If Mr. Kim had not been fired, he would be retired at the end of last year.

Kim, who is fighting cancer, has walked 400km because of his desire to retire after retirement.

[Kim Djinsuk / Hanjin Heavy firing workers: (Hanjin workers) Park Chang - su, why still workers in the labor rights side hosaga President countries that defend gimjuik do they fight and fired starving]

Kim down to end 10 years ago Crane aerial strike They ended the campaign with the same slogans as when they came.

(Video coverage: Jongsoo Hong, Video editing: Jinhoon Park)

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