Teller Report

Wage round M + E industry: Salary overview in Germany's "luxury industry"

2/3/2021, 9:23:49 AM

IG Metall is demanding four percent more money in the key sector. The employers complain that the employees are doing very well. WELT shows how much engineers, project managers, foremen, caretakers and co. Actually earn. 


In the largest German industry, the signs point to a dispute.

IG Metall insists on four percent more money in the collective bargaining round for the metal and electrical industry: for higher wages or a four-day week with partial wage compensation.

The German key industry with 3.8 million employees includes mechanical engineering companies, car manufacturers and their suppliers.

In view of the current crisis, that's way too much, complain the employers.

You are calling for a zero round.

The employees are doing pretty well, they say.

In employers' circles one speaks of the “luxury industry”.

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According to the employers' association Gesamtmetall, average earnings have risen significantly over the past decade: from a good 43,500 euros in 2009 to 60,700 euros in 2019.


These figures include extra services such as one-off payments, Christmas and vacation pay.

What individual professional groups earn is regulated differently in the tariff areas.

In Baden-Württemberg, for example, which is 65,000 euros above the national average, the lowest wage level (EG) starts at around 37,670 euros for the usual 35 hours per week, as data from the employers' association Südwestmetall show.

This is, for example, the income level of a welder.

Criteria such as training, experience and level of responsibility are included.

Source: WORLD infographic


An employee without completed vocational training who, after a short training period, is employed as a plant operator in production and classified in EC 3, comes to a good 40,000 euros.

If he works in alternating shifts, it is around 45,000 euros according to employers, and 50,000 euros for a night shift.

A secondary school student who is doing an apprenticeship in a metal trade and is then permanently taken on as a skilled worker in EG 7 gets 50,000 euros at the start, but can also earn significantly more through shift work or more hours a week.

Everything about salary

According to the collective bargaining agreement, some of the employees are allowed to work 40 instead of 35 hours a week, which is used in particular for higher pay groups, explains Südwestmetall.

In financial terms, this means for software developers in level 15, for example, that their annual salary increases from 83,800 to 95,700 euros.

At the highest level EG 17, a development engineer can get 107,800 euros.


"Our employees have done extremely well with the wage development in recent years," says Südwestmetall chairman Wilfried Porth.

Their purchasing power has increased by around 15 percent since 2010 alone.

A clear round this year is reasonable.

Source: WORLD infographic

IG Metall sees it differently, of course.

It is about wages and employment security.

And about being attractive to members.

In the Corona year 2020, the number of members fell by two percent to around 2.21 million.

However, like no other, the union has recently managed to score points with issues relating to the modern world of work - for example with a choice between special payments and additional leave for some of the employees.

It will therefore remain persistent in the current collective bargaining round.

IG Metall boss Jörg Hofmann has already announced a nationwide day of action for March 1, on which employees want to put pressure on with protests - in compliance with all protective measures against Corona.

If there is an agreement beforehand, the action can be canceled, said Hofmann.

But that is highly unlikely.

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Source: Welt am Sonntag

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