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In the midst of a political crisis, Italy turns to Mario Draghi, former boss of the ECB

2/2/2021, 11:22:52 PM

While the former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has not succeeded in consolidating his political coalition, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella summoned Mario Draghi on Wednesday and will have to…

Expected Wednesday, February 3 in Rome, Mario Draghi, former head of the European Central Bank, should be called upon to form a government and thus succeed Giuseppe Conte, unable to unite his coalition in the midst of the economic and health crisis in Italy.

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who has the role of arbiter in the event of a political crisis, summoned Mario Draghi on Wednesday at noon at the Quirinal Palace. 

Sergio Mattarella spoke on Tuesday evening for a government of "high level" able "to face the current serious crises: health, social, economic", a definition corresponding perfectly to that which is credited with having saved the euro zone in 2012 in the midst of the debt crisis.

While appealing to all political parties to support this government, he also ruled out holding early elections in the midst of a pandemic.

These statements came just after the announcement that the consultations for the renewal of the outgoing coalition led by Giuseppe Conte, made up of the Democratic Party (PD, center-left), the Five Star Movement (anti-system) and the small Italia party. Viva (IV) by Matteo Renzi, had failed.

Pandemic on the menu

For Lorenzo Castellani, professor of political science at the Roman University Luiss interviewed by AFP, a Draghi government would be supported "certainly by (the right of Silvio) Berlusconi, Renzi, the PD, the 5 Stars", that is to say the assurance a parliamentary majority.

Matteo Renzi hastened to greet "the wise words of the President of the Republic: once again we recognize ourselves in his conduct and we will act accordingly".

PD leader Nicola Zingaretti said he was "open to dialogue for the good of the country".

According to Lorenzo Castellani, "the government program will be 99% focused on the pandemic and the European recovery plan", for which Italy must present proposals in Brussels by April 30.

Get the country out of the crisis

Mario Draghi, an affable 73-year-old man renowned for his discretion, his seriousness and his determination is "an extremely well prepared and determined person", commented for AFP Giuliano Noci, professor of strategy at the Polytechnic business school In Milan.

"He would certainly be able to get Italy out of the crisis, with the support of the country and the Parliament."

"The sense of responsibility should lead him to accept" the mandate that the president wishes to give him, believes Lorenzo Castellani, which should put an end to the political crisis which shakes the peninsula in the midst of a pandemic, which has left more than 89,000 dead and causes the gross domestic product to fall by 8.9% in 2020. Mario Draghi should, however, "impose conditions on the choice of ministers and the definition of the government program", he said.

With AFP

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