Teller Report

Giants Hara enters Miyazaki "I want to camp firmly"

1/31/2021, 9:42:34 AM

[NHK] Giants Tatsunori Hara and players aiming to win the professional baseball Central League for the third consecutive time will enter Miyazaki City before the spring camp from the 1st of next month, and the new Coronau ...

Giants Tatsunori Hara and players aiming to win the professional baseball Central League for the third consecutive time will enter Miyazaki City before the spring camp from the 1st of next month, aiming for a camp that will be held without spectators due to the influence of the new coronavirus. Director Hara said, "It's best to practice in the presence of a lot of spectators, but I want to transcend that part and do a solid camp."

At the spring camp that begins on the 1st, the giant will divide the athletes into four groups and camp in Miyazaki City and Tokyo Dome in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

Of these, about 40 players from the 1st and 2nd armies, including coach Hara and coaches who are camping in Miyazaki City, and Kazuma Okamoto, the 4th batter, arrived at Miyazaki Airport on the 31st.

Since Miyazaki Prefecture has issued its own state of emergency, the annual welcome ceremony will not be held, and Hara and the players will walk in a lane specially set up to keep a distance from the general public. I got on the bus.

After that, I visited Miyazaki Shrine in Miyazaki City and prayed for the safety of the camp and the victory of this season.

After worshiping, Hara said to the camp with no spectators, "It's best to practice in the presence of a lot of spectators, but how can you show your fans professional play in a serious game after the opening? Is the time for that, so I want to transcend that part and do a solid camp, "he said.

Of the group that entered Miyazaki on the 31st, one army player will camp in Miyazaki City from the 1st to the 14th of next month, then move to Naha City and make adjustments at the Tokyo Dome. We are planning to join the group.

“No audience” Local reaction

Along with the unattended professional baseball camp starting on the 1st, signs were set up around the stadium in Miyazaki City, where the giants camp, to inform them that fans and others cannot visit.

A 50-year-old woman living nearby said, "I'm sorry to say that the camp will revitalize the local area and appeal to Miyazaki, but in this situation, there is no spectator."

A 79-year-old man said, "The effects of the new coronavirus have subsided and I want to see the camp as soon as possible."