Teller Report

Ministry of Internal Affairs warned against participation in unauthorized actions

1/30/2021, 10:42:28 PM

The Russian Interior Ministry and the prosecutor's office warned against participating in unauthorized actions on January 31 in Moscow and other cities of the country.

“The Russian Interior Ministry calls on citizens to refrain from participating in uncoordinated actions.

We strongly recommend that you warn your underage children, other relatives and acquaintances from participating in unauthorized events, ”TASS quotes the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk.

The press service of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office also warned against participating in the actions.

Earlier, the Department of Transport of Moscow reported that from 08:00 on January 31, trains in the Moscow metro will pass seven central stations without stops at the request of the police. 

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that restrictions on the movement of pedestrians will be introduced in the center of Moscow on January 31 in connection with calls for participation in uncoordinated actions.

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