Teller Report

NovaVax "Corona vaccine phase 3 clinical trial 89% preventive effect"

1/28/2021, 11:13:26 PM

NovaVax said that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical company NovaVax showed 89.3% effectiveness in clinical trials. According to foreign media such as Reuters, NovaVax announced that the results of a preliminary investigation showed 89.3% of the preventive effect in a phase 3 clinical trial conducted in the UK with 15,000 people aged 18 to 84.

NovaVax said that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical company NovaVax showed 89.3% effectiveness in clinical trials.

According to foreign media such as Reuters, NovaVax announced that the results of a preliminary investigation showed 89.3% of the preventive effect in a phase 3 clinical trial conducted in the UK with 15,000 people aged 18 to 84.

About 27% of participants in the UK Phase 3 clinical trial were over 65 years old.

NovaVax said the vaccine developed by NovaVax showed 85.6% protection against the current corona19 mutant virus in the UK.

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