Teller Report

[Q&A] Vaccination, when is my turn? If not?

1/28/2021, 11:13:14 PM

Then, when I am right, what kind of vaccine can I get, how to get the vaccine, and details related to these vaccinations, reporter Nam Joo-hyun will explain in detail.


Then, reporter Nam Joo-hyun will explain in detail the details related to vaccination such as when I am right, what kind of vaccine can I get, how to get the vaccine.

<Reporter> The

Corona 19 vaccine and vaccination website will open on the 1st of next month.

From March onwards, I can check about when and where I can get the vaccination through this website. When the time when I can receive the vaccination approaches, an information phone call and text message will come.

If you are eligible for priority vaccination from the next month, you will be informed of the confirmed vaccination location and timing.

Adults aged 18 to 64 years old, who are available for vaccination in the third quarter, or July, will receive a text message or phone call asking you to make an appointment when the vaccination time approaches.

Then, you can set the vaccination date, time and place, and make an appointment on the vaccination website, call 1339 call center, or visit.

There are many people who are curious about what to do if the reservation date is approaching and you have a fever of more than 37.5 degrees Celsius or you are sick. In this case, you can change your reservation.

If you do not make a reservation within the reservation deadline, it will be classified as unvaccinated and will be pushed after the fourth quarter.

Even those who have been infected and healed can receive the vaccination, but three months after recovery.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that at least 90 days have passed before getting the vaccination.

Certificates that you have received vaccination can also be issued through the vaccination website or through the government 24, but international guidelines and standards are still insufficient, so it does not act as a'vaccine passport' right away or has the effect of exemption from quarantine.

The cost of vaccination is borne by the state.