Teller Report

[Pick] Only students with intellectual disabilities raped... Imprisonment for a school bus driver in his 40s

1/28/2021, 2:52:28 AM

A school bus driver who deliberately approached only female students with intellectual disabilities and committed sexual violence crimes was sentenced to a heavy sentence in the first trial. The Jeju District Court 2nd Criminal Division announced on the 27th that it had sentenced 40-year-old A to 7 years in prison, who was charged with violating the Special Act on the Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes.

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A school bus driver who deliberately approached only female students with intellectual disabilities and committed sexual violence crimes was sentenced to a heavy sentence in the first trial.

The second criminal division of the Jeju District Court (Judge Chan-soo Jang) announced on the 27th that he was sentenced to 7 years in prison for 40-year-old A, who was charged with violating the Special Act on the Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes (quasi-rape of persons with disabilities).

Mr. A, who worked as a school bus driver at a school for the disabled in Jeju Island from September 2018 to January 2019, took the intellectually handicapped Miss B in his car in November 2018 and took him to the residence and handed it over to trial for sexual assault. Lost.

Mr. A is also accused of harassing Miss C, another victim with an intellectual disability, on a school bus and receiving obscene pictures.

During the trial, Mr. A stubbornly denied the prosecution's prosecution and claimed that he had never taken Miss B to his residence.

However, the allegation was not accepted as the victims correctly pointed to Mr. A's address in an investigation by the investigative agency.

The judge pointed out that "the defendant is not very guilty of committing a crime by taking advantage of the fact that the victims are in a state of difficulty with protest due to mental disorder while working as a school bus driver." He also stated that "the victims' statements about the crime are natural and specific, and they have no motivation to misrepresent the accused."

In the end, he said, "No damage was recovered to the victims who would have felt serious trauma and sexual shame," and "We comprehensively considered the age of the defendant and the circumstances after the crime," he revealed the reason for the sentence.

This is'News Pick'. 

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