Teller Report

SC Verl - SV Meppen: The grapes hang high at Verl - 3rd division

1/27/2021, 2:34:51 PM

Next Saturday Verl will meet SVM. Against FSV Zwickau, the SCV did not get beyond a draw in the last match (1: 1).


On the last day of the match, SV Meppen suffered their eleventh defeat of this season against MSV Duisburg.

The first leg was not a clear issue.

The SC Verl won just 2-1.

Evidence for the mixed performance of Verl are 13 points from ten games.

The host's strength lies in the offensive - with a total of 35 hits.

Guerino Capretti's team has a total of eight successes, six draws and five bankruptcies.

In the last five appearances, the SCV achieved only one victory.

So far, things have been modest for Meppen in other places - the yield is limited to a meager ten points.


Will the game end as clearly as the table suggests?

The guest currently only manages 14th with 22 points, while SC Verl has eight points more and is fifth.

SV Meppen is not considered a comfortable opponent.

The SVM already received 58 yellow cards in the current season.

It will therefore not be a comfortable performance for Verl.

Meppen is not the favorite on paper, but secretly one hopes for something countable.

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