Teller Report

All 1,186 isolated shelters in Tonghua, Jilin are fully

1/27/2021, 2:34:05 PM

  [Explanation] On January 27, Tonghua City, Jilin Province held the 14th press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Hu Zongqing, deputy secretary-general of the Tonghua Municipal Government and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Jilin Tonghua International Inland Port District, said that the 1,186 isolated shelters have been fully assembled and are preparing to organize rel

  [Explanation] On January 27, Tonghua City, Jilin Province held the 14th press conference on epidemic prevention and control.

Hu Zongqing, deputy secretary-general of the Tonghua Municipal Government and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Jilin Tonghua International Inland Port District, said that the 1,186 isolated shelters have been fully assembled and are preparing to organize relevant experts for acceptance.

  As of 24:00 on January 26, Tonghua City had reported a total of 279 new coronavirus infections, 205 confirmed cases and 74 asymptomatic infections.

  According to Hu Zongqing, the isolated shelter is located in the supervised warehouse of the Bonded Logistics Center of Tonghua International Inland Port Area, with a total construction area of ​​48,000 square meters.

Construction started on the evening of January 21, and all isolated shelters have been assembled.

The port area set up special work classes, strengthened safeguard measures, and went all out to promote the construction of centralized isolation points.

  [Concurrent] Hu Zongqing, Deputy Secretary-General of Tonghua Municipal Government

  Overcoming factors such as tight time, heavy tasks, uneven materials, low temperature, heavy snow, heavy fog, epidemic prevention and control, etc., in hours, inverted the construction period, worked day and night, and went all out to promote the construction of centralized isolation points.

With the support of all parties, after 845 technical management and construction personnel, and more than 50 mechanical equipment 24 hours of uninterrupted operation, it was ensured that all 1,186 isolated shelters were assembled in time.

  [Explanation] According to reports, the centralized isolation point is constructed in accordance with the standards of "three zones and two passages" and single room, single bathroom, and strives to create a good environment to ensure that the isolation personnel can live and live well.

  [Concurrent] Hu Zongqing, Deputy Secretary-General of Tonghua Municipal Government

  Each set of isolated shelters is equipped with Internet TV, hot water, electric heating, etc., and all living facilities are available.

At the same time, there is a canteen and a separate living area for medical staff.

In addition, it is also equipped with wifi, hanging pictures, books and newspapers, green plants, etc.

In the next step, we will do a good job in the refinement and improvement of related work to provide infrastructure guarantees for winning the epidemic prevention and control battle.

  Reporter Lu Shengnan, Cang Yan, Sun Boyan, Jilin Tonghua

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]

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