Teller Report

"Not true": Shubenkov's coach denied reports of a positive doping test of the ward

1/27/2021, 10:32:51 PM

According to a number of Russian media reports, one of the best Russian track and field athletes, the 2015 world champion Sergei Shubenkov, passed a positive doping test for furosemide. At the same time, the information was not officially confirmed by either the national federation or the international body responsible for the fight against doping. The athlete's coach Sergei Klevtsov denied the charges against the ward.

The world champion in 110 meters hurdles Sergei Shubenkov, according to a number of media reports, passed a positive test for furosemide.

The portal was the first to report on the problems of one of the best Russian athletes.

It is alleged that according to data received from the All-Russian Federation of Athletics (ARAF), Shubenkov tried to disguise another prohibited drug with the help of furosemide.

In connection with the incident, the Minister of Sports Oleg Matytsin even decided to personally meet with the runner.

“Shubenkov got caught on doping.

To quell some of the doping he was using, he took furosemide, a cover-up drug that lubricates the illicit drug.

Now Oleg Matytsin went to Barnaul on this issue.

There is no one to compete in track and field, ”the source says.

According to the publication, the International Association of Athletics Federations (World Athletics) already knows about Shubenkov's problems.

The ARAF Recovery Commission received a corresponding message from the World Athletics expert Margarita Pakhnotskaya.

A little later, Match TV reported about Shubenkov's positive doping test.

“Traces of furosemide, an S5 drug (diuretics and camouflage agents), were found in the athlete's sample.

The standard sanction for him is four years ineligibility.

In the past, furosemide was actually used to hide the traces of doping, but now the drug itself is caught for so long that it has lost its meaning.

The overwhelming majority of positive tests for furosemide in recent years have been found in sports related to weight control - gymnastics and figure skating, ”the TV channel said.

Sources of "Sport-Express" reported that a positive outcome for the athlete is possible in the Shubenkov case, since very few traces of furosemide were found in the sample, which may indicate a possible poisoning with sports nutrition, and not a deliberate use of doping.

“The sample was taken by RUSADA as part of out-of-competition control.

The prohibited drug in Shubenkov's body is present in a minimum concentration.

That is, theoretically, the "B" sample may not confirm the "A" sample at all, and then the charges will be dropped automatically.

Shubenkov can also explain the ingestion of a prohibited substance by the accidental use of contaminated medicine or sports nutrition, and then there are still chances for a positive outcome, ”the publication believes.

The newspaper also notes that Oleg Matytsin's visit to Barnaul is not related to the situation.

ARAF did not officially confirm this information.

The organization's press service said it was unaware of a possible violation by the world champion.

“We don't comment on information that we don't even have.

If something appears, we will immediately publish it on the official website, ”the ARAF said.

Shubenkov's coach Sergei Klevtsov completely denied the information that his ward had passed a positive doping test.

“There are no comments, because, let's say, this is not true.

They, the media, want to write, let them write, ”RIA Novosti quotes the specialist.

The Independent Athletics Unit (AIU) has not confirmed a doping violation.

He said that Shubenkov was not included in the list of suspended athletes.

“All suspended athletes are published on our website,” reminded AIU in a conversation with TASS.

It should be noted that Shubenkov traditionally does not perform during the winter season in athletics, concentrating on preparing for the summer.

At the same time, due to the uncertainty due to the suspension of ARAF and the coronavirus pandemic, the athlete has no specific plans for performing in 2021.

This situation hardly makes it possible to consciously take doping, because it is simply impossible to take advantage of its benefits.

Shubenkov's possible violation occurred almost a month before the meeting of the World Athletics Council, which will discuss the further fate of ARAF and Russian athletes, who now have no opportunity to compete in international competitions even in neutral status.

Although formally, the scandal with the native of Barnaul should not affect the restoration of the ARAF status in any way, it can lead to serious image losses.