Teller Report

Regulated gas prices will increase 3.5% in February

1/26/2021, 10:52:28 AM

This increase is linked to strong demand for liquefied natural gas in Asia, linked in particular to an exceptional cold spell in East Asia.

Gas illustration.



Under the effect of a rise in market prices caused by a cold snap in Asia, the regulated gas prices applied by Engie will increase by 3.5% on average on February 1, announced the Regulatory Commission of energy (CRE) in a press release, published on Monday.

“This increase is 0.9% for customers who use gas for cooking, 2.1% for those who have dual use, cooking and hot water, and 3.7% for homes that heat themselves. gas, ”detailed the regulator.

European countries draw on their natural gas storage

“This increase for the month of February is mainly due to strong demand for liquefied natural gas in Asia, linked in particular to an exceptional cold spell in East Asia”.

"The result is an increase in gas prices on international markets, which leads European countries to draw on their natural gas storage," she continued.

The law provides for the gradual extinction by 2023 of regulated gas sales tariffs (TRV) for individuals.

They have already been removed for professional consumers since December 1.

Since January 1, 2019, regulated prices have fallen by 14.1% in all, including a 2.6% drop between January 1, 2020 and February 1, 2021, underlines CRE.


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