Teller Report

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: 93.8% of filed and registered poor households have enjoyed employment assistance policies

1/26/2021, 3:42:56 AM

  China News Service, January 26, Zhang Ying, Director of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security pointed out on the 26th that in recent years, the employment poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results. The number of poor laborers has increased significantly, and the proportion of wage income has increased year by year. The number of poor

  China News Service, January 26, Zhang Ying, Director of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security pointed out on the 26th that in recent years, the employment poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results.

The number of poor laborers has increased significantly, and the proportion of wage income has increased year by year. The number of poor laborers has increased from 15.27 million in 2016 to 32.43 million in 2020; 93.8% of poor households with registered cards have received employment assistance policy.

Data map: Workers are busy in the poverty alleviation workshop of gypsum enterprise in Dashuikeng Town, Yanchi County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yu Jing

  “Employing one person, lifting the whole family out of poverty, and increasing employment is the most direct and effective way to alleviate poverty.” Zhang Ying said that a set of employment poverty alleviation policy system has been established, and the two major directions of migrant workers and local employment are strengthened, and services, training, and rights protection are strengthened. This project focuses on four key areas including the “three regions and three states” and other deeply impoverished areas, 52 unhatched counties, relocation areas for poverty alleviation and relocation, and Hubei.

Especially since 2020, in order to cope with the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, we have focused on further vigorous deployment and promotion around the "four priorities and three priorities".

  One is to go out first.

Always take the poor labor force as the priority guarantee for the export of organized labor services, go out to promote employment, and increase income to help alleviate poverty.

During the epidemic period, a cross-regional and cross-departmental "point-to-point" return-to-work coordination mechanism was established, and special car chartered flights were opened to help achieve "leave home, get in the car, and enter the factory", transporting 1.6 million poor laborers.

  The second is to give priority to stable posts.

Fully implement the job stabilization policy, set up service commissioners stationed in enterprises, strengthen employment guidance and policy guidance, and encourage enterprises to give priority to retaining poor labor.

Give priority to job transfer services for unemployed poor laborers who are experiencing temporary difficulties, promote reemployment as soon as possible, implement unemployment insurance benefits, ensure basic living conditions, and make every effort to stabilize poor laborers locally.

  The third is priority service.

Accurately grasp the employment status of the poor labor force, implement "one-to-one" assistance, and strive to serve no blind spots.

Focus on poor labor, give priority to service activities such as Spring Breeze Action and Hundred-Day Online Recruitment, set up service areas, hold special recruitment, and provide more than 10 million special posts.

  The fourth is priority placement.

For poor laborers with strong willingness to return to their hometowns, by supporting a number of poverty alleviation workshops to resume work, promoting a number of work-for-work projects, and developing a number of rural public welfare jobs, broaden the nearest local employment channels, and undertake the return of poverty in a stable and orderly manner labor force.

Throughout the year, a total of 440,000 people were employed through poverty alleviation workshops, and 5.02 million were placed through public welfare positions.

  There are three priorities. One is to mobilize platform companies to promote employment and help poverty alleviation in the 52 counties that have the heaviest poverty alleviation task, and help them get rid of poverty as scheduled, and the second is to relocate the poor population with limited employment opportunities. Poverty alleviation and resettlement areas, mobilizing all resources to implement employment assistance actions, helping 3.58 million poor people find jobs; third, for Hubei, which is hit hardest by the epidemic, organize six eastern provinces and cities to implement “6+1” targeted assistance to support poverty in Hubei The number of migrant workers exceeds 2019.

  Through unremitting efforts, the employment poverty alleviation has achieved remarkable results.

The number of poor laborers has increased significantly, and the proportion of wage income has increased year by year. The number of poor laborers has increased from 15.27 million in 2016 to 32.43 million in 2020; 93.8% of filed and registered poor households have received employment assistance policy.

  "In the next step, we will follow the overall deployment of the central government, improve policy linkage, optimize service measures, continue to do a good job in helping people out of poverty and rural low-income people find employment, help consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, and help the overall promotion of the rural revitalization strategy." Zhang Ying said.

  Zhang Ying pointed out that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security attaches great importance to skills poverty alleviation and continues to increase support for skills poverty alleviation in poor areas.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, a total of about 10 million poor laborers were trained. Among them, more than 2.7 million poor laborers will be trained in 2020, a record high.

  One is to increase vocational skills training.

Take skills poverty alleviation as an important part of the vocational skills improvement action, focus on the deeply impoverished areas, and encourage and support the vast number of poor laborers to participate in vocational skills training.

Reasonably adjust the training subsidy standards, and provide subsidies for living expenses and transportation expenses as required.

Raise the training subsidy standards for poor labor, migrant workers, and the training subsidy standards for urgently needed occupations (types of work).

Implementing the "Internet + Vocational Skills Training Program", launching a 100-day free online skills training campaign, increasing the opening of free online training and expanding courses to deeply impoverished areas such as the "three districts and three states" and 52 uncapped poor counties Free range.

  The second is to do a good job in evaluating skilled talents in poor areas.

Actively organize the development of special vocational ability assessment standards, and have registered more than 1,000 special vocational ability assessment standards in 29 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, effectively promoting the cultivation of local industries in poverty-stricken areas and helping poor laborers improve their employability .

  The third is to carry out in-depth skills poverty alleviation 1,000 schools.

Support students from poor families to receive technical education, and optimize the financial aid policies for students from poor families.

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, technical colleges and universities enrolled 360,000 children from poor families.

  The fourth is to strengthen the construction of "three districts and three states" and other technical colleges and corresponding assistance.

Helped the construction of technical colleges or branch schools (teaching sites) in deeply impoverished areas, supported the construction of Tibet Technician Colleges, ended Tibet’s history of no technical colleges, selected outstanding teachers to support education in Tibet, successfully enrolled students, and filled the gap in Tibetan technical education. blank.

Helped the construction of 38 technical colleges in the four prefectures of southern Xinjiang, and organized 9 provinces and cities in Xinjiang to carry out counterpart assistance.

  Fifth, make overall plans for the vocational skill competition.

In 2020, the National Poverty Alleviation Vocational Skills Competition will be organized to organize contestants from poor families who have established files to participate in the competition, to encourage the majority of workers in poverty-stricken areas to display their skills, and promote skilled employment and poverty alleviation.

Sixth, organize the "Skills China Tour" skills demonstration and exchange activities.

Focus on poverty alleviation, extend it to poverty-stricken areas, especially the "three regions and three states" and other poor areas, and promote the people in poverty-stricken areas to understand and learn skills.

  Zhang Ying said that in the next step, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will consolidate the achievements of technical poverty alleviation and maintain the stability and continuity of related policy measures.

Focus on the overall promotion of rural revitalization, and improve the normalized skills assistance mechanism.

The focus is on the implementation of vocational skills upgrading projects for labor in underdeveloped regions.

Enhance the supply of skills training resources, actively seek support from policy funds and projects, promote the construction of a number of technical colleges and training institutions, cultivate a number of labor skills brands, and select a number of skills leaders to promote rural revitalization and sustainable industrial development in poverty-stricken areas Cultivate and retain talents to carry out special training and special training.