Teller Report

The new leader of the CDU does not intend to revise its position on Nord Stream 2

1/25/2021, 2:54:40 PM

Armin Laschet, the new chairman of the ruling Christian Democratic Union party in Germany, said he was not going to revise its position on the Nord Stream 2 project.


The supply of energy to Germany is an important question to be answered.

The Americans have their own position, it has long been clear and does not depend on Republicans or Democrats.

But my position is clear, ”he said, answering the question whether he intends to reconsider his position on the gas pipeline.

His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. 

He drew attention to the fact that Germany has had energy supplies from Russia for 50 years, which was "even in the toughest times of the Cold War."

In addition, Laschet supported the intention of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss Nord Stream 2 with the new US administration, but stressed that "the issue of energy supply to Germany is ultimately decided by Germany itself in the European context."

On January 16, Laschet was elected the new head of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, and later officially approved in this position.