Teller Report

Zhoushan, Zhejiang: An enterprise imported frozen red shrimp on the outer packaging and the inner wall of the container positive

1/24/2021, 12:43:13 PM

  China News Service, January 24. According to the WeChat official account of "Zhoushan Release", the Office of the Leading Group for Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province issued a notice on the 24th, stating that on January 23, 2021, Zhoushan City will In the test of frozen red shrimp imported by a company in Putuo, it was found that samples of

  China News Service, January 24. According to the WeChat official account of "Zhoushan Release", the Office of the Leading Group for Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province issued a notice on the 24th, stating that on January 23, 2021, Zhoushan City will In the test of frozen red shrimp imported by a company in Putuo, it was found that samples of the inner wall of the container and the outer packaging of the goods were positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid.

  The Municipal and District Prevention and Control Offices immediately launched the emergency plan for the prevention and control of imported cold chain food epidemics, closed the management of the factory, traced the source of the cargo information, carried out epidemiological investigations on the contact persons, and implemented centralized measures for 5 directly and indirectly exposed persons Quarantine medical observation, 142 other plant personnel have implemented centralized health observation and factory observation measures, and those who are not on the boat have notified the local implementation of control.

Carry out overall control and disinfection of the environment and vehicles outside the relevant places, and seal all involved vehicles and goods.

Our city strictly implements the requirement of "test first, then store in" imported cold chain food. All the goods in the factory's containers have not been unloaded, and none of the relevant goods have entered the market.

On January 24, the nucleic acid test results of relevant personnel in the boat and external environmental samples were all negative.

  The notification mentioned that I would like to remind the general public to wear masks correctly when purchasing cold chain foods, avoid touching food surfaces with bare hands, use disposable gloves to select frozen chilled foods, and do not purchase imported cold foods without "three certificates and one code". Chain food.

When cleaning processed frozen foods, separate raw and cooked foods and cook them thoroughly.

At the same time, continue to do a good job of personal protection, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, maintain a safe social distance, and advocate public chopsticks and spoons to reduce the risk of contracting the new crown virus.