Teller Report

Luis Suarez-11; Koeman-0

1/23/2021, 2:02:56 PM

Luis Suárez has scored two goals against Granada, one against Celta, another against Betis, another against Cádiz, two against Elche, another against Getafe, another against Alavés and, to date, two against Eibar. What

Luis Suárez has scored two goals against Granada, one against Celta, another against Betis, another against Cádiz, two against Elche, another against Getafe, another against Alavés and, to date, two against Eibar.

For a total of 11 goals conceded by Ronald Koeman.

This is what is telekinetic about football, that you put a Panenka-style penalty on a Serbian goalkeeper at the edge of the 90th minute and - 600 kilometers away - you see how a Dutch coach throws himself to stop him in his living room in Barcelona.

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