Teller Report

Another hole for Real Madrid: Laprovittola, positive in Covid-19

1/23/2021, 5:13:36 PM

Real Madrid has communicated this Saturday afternoon that Nicolás Laprovittola has tested positive for Covid-19 in the tests that have been carried out on the squad in the last hours.


Real Madrid

announced on Saturday afternoon that

Nicolas Laprovittola

has tested positive in


in the tests that have been made to the template in the last hours.

The Argentine base will be out, therefore, for at least the

10 days that the medical quarantine requires

, and the most immediate consequence is that the

ACB will

have to determine in the next few hours if the match of the white team scheduled for this Sunday, against the


, can be disputed.

While that aspect is known, the loss is sensitive for those of

Pablo Laso

, who right now only has Carlos Alocen as a pure point guard in the squad, as Sergio Llull is recovering from the injury that has kept him out during the last games.

After Campazzo's goodbye, the Argentine was the one who assumed that responsibility almost alone, while to give him rest, Laso has been using the young


, who now becomes even more fundamental.

Alberto Abalde

has also been helping in the management tasks.

The base position seems so cursed at Real Madrid this year.

Of the three you started with, none are available right now.

First it was



to the NBA, then Llull's injury and now Laprovittola's Covid-19 positive.

Laso could go to two of his most promising homegrown players, Italian Matteo Spagnolo and Juan Nuñez from Madrid.

And not only at the base position.

Right now Pablo Laso cannot count on two important men in the rotation such as

Rudy Fernández

, victim of a severe blow to the lower back, and

Anthony Randolph

, who broke his Achilles heel and will be out for the entire season.

After losing three of the last four games in the Euroleague, the Whites, who played in Tel Aviv on Friday, face a week with a double duel in the top continental competition.

On Wednesday they host

Panathinaikos and on Friday they travel to Berlin to face Alba


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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