Teller Report

Already 100,000 calls to the vaccination hotline

1/22/2021, 12:52:33 PM

display Hanover (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's telephone hotline for questions about the corona vaccination received more than 100,000 calls in January. In order to cope with the increasing demand, especially for the allocation of vaccination appointments, the service provider Majorel is continuously increasing its number of employees - from around 70 in December to currently around 130 to 250 to 2


Hanover (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's telephone hotline for questions about the corona vaccination received more than 100,000 calls in January.

In order to cope with the increasing demand, especially for the allocation of vaccination appointments, the service provider Majorel is continuously increasing its number of employees - from around 70 in December to currently around 130 to 250 to 280 in the coming weeks.

If necessary, even up to 300 employees are possible, Majorel announced on Friday.

The country's Corona crisis team had recently admitted that vaccinations for people over 80 who live at home can only start in a few vaccination centers instead of all of them on February 1.

However, the start of appointments on January 28th will be held.

In addition to the hotline, there is an online portal for this.

If you don't get an appointment straight away, you can put yourself on a waiting list.

Majorel currently records 5,000 to 8,000 calls per day, with a maximum of 11,000 calls per day.

However, the service provider expects an increase when people over 80 who live at home can register for vaccination appointments.

More than 550,000 people over 80 years of age live in Lower Saxony.

According to Majorel, 250 employees could handle around 25,000 calls a day.


The vaccination hotline can be reached Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on 0800 9988665.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210122-99-130698 / 2

Advice from the country on the vaccination campaign