Teller Report

[Pick] The boss refuses to ask for "reduce working hours"... The reason for pouring praise

1/22/2021, 11:22:43 PM

Many people sympathize with the opinion of the boss at work who rejected the employee's request to reduce the working hours to 80%. According to foreign media such as ABC in the United States on the 19th local time, Aaron Genest, who leads the application technology team at a Texas software company, shared a recent conversation with a team member on his social media.

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Many people sympathize with the opinion of the boss at work who rejected the employee's request to reduce the working hours to 80%.

According to foreign media such as ABC in the United States on the 19th local time, Aaron Genest, who leads the application technology team at a Texas software company, shared a recent conversation with a team member on his social media.

The employee who visited Mr. Genest earlier this month asked him to carefully shorten his working hours while talking about his daily life changed by Corona 19.

As a mother, she has to take care of her children who can't go to school and manage online classes, which is why she seems to take too much responsibility on her husband because she works.

Also, when working from home, the employee was often unable to concentrate on his or her work to take care of the children, and he felt sorry for his colleagues, saying he felt his work efficiency was inferior.

So, even if their wages were cut and their performance fell, they asked for a reduction in working hours for the time being.

Mr. Genest was able to fully understand the employee's concerns.

This is because as a father of three children, I was feeling the impact of Corona 19 on my family.

But Mr. Genest said firmly to the employee, "No."

He explained, "I know that the demands our employees make are always valid and logical. However, this request is wrong from

the premise,

" he explained. "This is

the premise that the work efficiency that was possible since there was no Corona 19 must be maintained in the current situation.

" I did.

“Our team always performs well and performs best in the company. But it's not just because the team members are working tirelessly. It's not because we have videoconferences with our children locked out of the door.”


's an achievement because team members fill in each other's vacancy and cooperate


"If someone on the team needs to take care of the child for a while, someone else will be happy to help. Everyone will smile and understand if a two-year-old baby pops up in a video conference," said Genest. "So I can't answer your request.

"I can't let you be a woman who suffers wage cuts from Corona 19. I can't let you give up a promotion opportunity because of guilt


The netizens who were exposed to the team leader's resolute but warm determination sent a message of support, saying, "This is true leadership," "I want you to teach this in my university business management class," and "How happy employees can make a successful company."

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='AaronGenest' Twitter) 

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