Teller Report

Biden: January 20 will be National Unity Day

1/20/2021, 10:12:44 PM

A day that put the institutional values ​​of unity and fidelity to the Constitution back to the center that of today's settlement in Washington, the day of the solemn oath of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president of the United States

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January 20, 2021 After the images of the assault and devastation on Capitol Hill on January 6, today a long day of 'recovery' of deep institutional values ​​in the United States.

On the occasion of this day of the oath, the new president with a first statement from the White House proclaimed January 20 "National Day of Unity".

Evoking themes similar to those of his inaugural address, Biden says: "Today we celebrate the triumph of democracy after an election that saw more Americans vote than ever in our nation's history, and where the will of the people has been heard and followed." .

The president adds: "We do this at a time of great danger. A deadly pandemic that happens once in a century. A historic and ever-deeper economic crisis. Now we need to achieve racial justice and react to the climate crisis. increase in political extremism and internal terrorism - unleashed only a few days ago in our Capitol, the citadel of freedom, but in turmoil much earlier - are things we must face and defeat ". 

"This is the day of America, democracy, history, hope" in which "democracy prevailed," Joe Biden said in his inauguration speech at the White House.

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