Teller Report

Analysis: Biden's balancing act between bulldozer and football referee

1/20/2021, 9:53:30 PM

Four years ago, in January 2017, only 37 percent of Americans thought the country was heading in the right direction. Today, when President Joe Biden moves into the oval room, the already low figure has plummeted to 21 percent.

The country Joe Biden takes over is thus not a country with any fantastic faith in the future.

Instead, it is a United States damaged by fragmentation and fatigue following the devastating pandemic and subsequent economic crisis.

The economic gap has widened, unemployment is high due to the pandemic and the US budget deficit has reached astronomical levels.

In his first speech as president, he did his part to unite the country.

He said he will be a president of all Americans, and the future of the country depends not on just one person or a few people but on all people.

Mentioned it in the speech

But the speech also marked the boundaries that have been crossed recently.

President Biden mentioned the attack on the Capitol and said, among other things, that "democracy is valuable, democracy is valuable, and this hour democracy has won".

Biden also mentioned the major problems the United States has to deal with today, in addition to the pandemic and the economic crisis.

"There is truth and there is a lie.

Lies used for power and for personal gain.

Everyone has a duty as Americans and especially as leaders to defend the truth and fight the lies, "said Biden.

And during the evening, he signed a bunch of presidential orders that tore up old politics and planted new ones.

About the climate agreement, travel bans, and the corona pandemic.

But there will be no honeymoon for Biden, who has a very big challenge ahead of him.

Because it was not only he who won the election.

The polarization can also be said to have won.

In many cases, center-right candidates lost seats in Congress to people further out to the left and right of each party.

No easy task

Joe Biden is now under pressure from the left to act as a bulldozer and implement reforms that appeal to them, while at the same time it will lead to strong reactions and accusations that Biden does not want to unite the country at all.

In other words, it is not easy to create change and at the same time try to unite a country.

When I was a teenager, I devoted myself to being a football referee, there was an important mantra that was constantly repeated in the referee training.

The very best referee is the one that no one remembers afterwards, the one who managed to complete the match without arguing with the players about controversial decisions.

The question is whether Joe Biden chooses to be a football referee or a bulldozer.

He will probably try both.

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