Teller Report

Two games of suspension for Messi after his expulsion in the Super Cup against Athletic

1/19/2021, 1:33:06 PM

Leo Messi has been punished with two suspension matches for attacking Villalibre in the last minute of the extension of the final of the Spanish Super Cup, in which Athletic

Leo Messi

has been punished with two suspension matches for attacking


in the last minute of the extension of the final of the Spanish

Super Cup

, in which Athletic Bilbao beat Barcelona (3-2).

The Sole Competition Judge,

Carmen Pérez

, has taken into account the drafting of the minutes, where it is discussed, and has imposed the lesser of the penalties provided.

Gil Manzano

wrote that the expulsion was produced by "hitting an opponent with his arm using excessive force while the ball was in play but not at a distance from being played."

The judge, therefore, has considered this action as "mild" and hence the two games, which will be played on Thursday in the

Cup against Cornellà

in the

League against Elche

on Sunday.

The Super Cup regulations indicate that the corresponding sanction must be met in the following matches,

regardless of the seriousness

of the act committed.

If the Sole Judge had considered that the Argentine's action had been serious, he could be away from the playing fields for a total of four games, which would also be distributed in the same way between the League and the King's Cup.

The unconfirmed intention of the Barça club, in any case, is to present allegations to this decision.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports

  • soccer

  • Leo Messi

  • Spain Supercup

  • FC Barcelona

  • Athletic Bilbao

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  • Coronavirus Spain

  • Work calendar

  • Real Madrid - Red Star

  • Cagliari - Milan

  • Arsenal - Newcastle United

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