Teller Report

Major countries that speed vaccination... WHO Criticizes "Stop Raising

1/18/2021, 9:39:22 PM

Major countries are speeding up vaccination. The UK decided to introduce a 24-hour vaccination center, and Japan decided to create a new minister in charge of the vaccination work.


Major countries are accelerating vaccination. The UK decided to introduce a 24-hour vaccination center, and Japan decided to create a new minister in charge of the vaccination work. 

This news is from Lee Sung-hoon.

<Reporter> In the

UK, 4 million people received the first dose of the Corona 19 vaccine, and half of the elderly have completed the vaccine.

The UK government, which has decided to introduce a 24-hour vaccination center in London at the end of this month, expects the situation to improve this spring.

[Boris Johnson/British Prime Minister: 4 million people have been vaccinated in our country, which is certainly encouraging. Things will change in spring.]

France has made vaccines available to anyone over 75 years of age or with a high-risk disease.

Vaccinations that were limited to certain occupations, such as medical staff, caregivers, and firefighters, are also open to the general public, and mass vaccinations are started.

The Japanese government has thrown a political battle for vaccination.

Prime Minister Suga said that he would be able to start vaccination by the end of February, and that he would create a new minister in charge of administering the vaccination task, and that Taro Kono would be in charge of administrative reform.

WHO secretary-general Thewardross Gubrersus criticized advanced countries for buying vaccines, saying that 49 wealthy countries have so far received 39 million doses of vaccine, but one of the poorest countries has received only 25 doses.