Teller Report

Education authorizes the Madrid institutes to reopen on Wednesday if they are "in good condition" due to the effects of the storm

1/18/2021, 7:59:07 PM

The Community of Madrid has authorized the educational centers of 3º and 4º ESO, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, Special Regime Education and Adult Education to resume

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The Community of Madrid has authorized the educational centers of

3rd and 4th ESO, Baccalaureate

, Vocational Training, Education of Special Regime and Education for Adults to resume face-to-face classes this Wednesday in the event that the facilities and access to them are found "in good condition" after the passage of the storm



This is how they have been transferred this afternoon to those responsible for them, which had planned to open from Thursday.

In the Puerta del Sol Government they specify that since this weekend

the snow

has been

cleaned in the accesses of more than 100 institutes

in which "difficulties" have been encountered.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso's team has entrusted the public company Tragsa with an emergency procedure to carry out these tasks in infrastructures in 19 towns in the region.

In total, there are 15 crews that carry out these tasks, which basically consist of clearing the entrances and making them accessible in addition to

"marking out those areas that may carry some risk

for students or teachers," as required by the Ministry of Education.

In addition, Enrique Ossorio's department thanks the management teams for the "enormous effort made so that this reincorporation can take place with maximum security."

Structural damage

For its part, the Madrid City Council has identified eight public Infant and Primary schools located in the capital with

"structural damage"

caused by the storm.

However, he trusts that most of them - whose names have not been provided - can resume classes this Wednesday by "cordoning off" the affected areas.

The message was transmitted by the vice mayor of the city, Begoña Villacís, in a press conference in which she took stock of the actions carried out this weekend to remove snow and ice from educational centers.

According to the latest data,

273 are already accessible today

and there is still a need to act on another 48.

As explained by

number two

of the municipal government, most of the damage related to the storm correspond to sports facilities because they are "lighter."

As an example of this, he has put the sports complex of Machupichu, the district of Hortaleza, whose roof

collapsed due to the weight of the snow

despite having been built in 2019.

In the balance of schools and nursery schools made this Monday by the vice mayor,

the actions in private and subsidized centers have yet to be counted

, which as indicated correspond to the Environment and Mobility Area, within the PP quota in the coalition of the City Council of Madrid.

In the cleaning work of the public, dependent on Territorial Coordination, in the hands of Cs, 200 personnel from the company Tragsa have been incorporated, as advanced by EL MUNDO.

Although the initial plan was that they could act in

80 educational infrastructures a day,

the pace of work has allowed that number to be increased to 91.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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