Teller Report

During the Congressional riots, women stole Pelosi computers and sold them to Russia? FBI intervenes in investigation

1/18/2021, 11:08:43 PM

 During the Congressional riots, women stole Pelosi computers and sold them to Russia? FBI intervenes in investigation   [Global Network Report] The US "Politician" News Network reported on the 17th that the FBI is investigating whether a woman stole a laptop from the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi during the congressional riots on January 6. Hard drive and sell it to Ru

 During the Congressional riots, women stole Pelosi computers and sold them to Russia?

FBI intervenes in investigation

  [Global Network Report] The US "Politician" News Network reported on the 17th that the FBI is investigating whether a woman stole a laptop from the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi during the congressional riots on January 6. Hard drive and sell it to Russians.

Data map: Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Sha Hanting

  The report quoted an accusation testimony made public on the 17th local time, saying that during the Congressional riots on the 6th, Pennsylvania woman Riley June Williams appeared near Pelosi’s office and was arrested. Monitor the relevant pictures.

  According to the testimony, an eyewitness also stated that he saw a video of Williams "taking the laptop or hard drive from Speaker Pelosi's office."

Witnesses also claimed that Williams intends to send the computer to a friend of hers in Russia, who plans to sell the equipment to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

However, the testimony also stated that "According to (witness 1), the computer equipment could not be transferred to Russia for unknown reasons, and Williams still possessed the computer equipment or destroyed it."

  The accusation also stated that "Williams seems to have escaped." According to law enforcement officials, Williams' mother said that Williams packed her luggage and left home and told her mother that she was leaving for a few weeks.

However, the report said that Williams did not disclose to her mother any information about his destination.


  Currently, the case is still under investigation and it is not clear whether the FBI will arrest the woman.

In addition, the report said that Pelosi's assistant did not comment on this, and it is not clear whether there are laptops or hard drives stolen in his office.