Teller Report

Co-chairman of the Latvian Action Party Yevgeniy Korol commented on the situation with Navalny

1/18/2021, 8:38:58 PM

Co-chairman of the Latvian Action Party Yevgeny Korol commented on the situation with Alexei Navalny.

“Oh, how wrong I was about Navalny.

Our media trumpets about him with might and main, acquaintances on social networks write about the bloody regime and so on (most of them have not been to Russia either).

Honestly, I do not understand the Russian authorities and structures.

Take the example of the United States, there would have been a long time ago such a person was sentenced to 100+ years, ”he wrote on Facebook.

On January 17, Alexei Navalny was detained at Sheremetyevo airport after returning to Russia from Germany.

The FPS stated that the reason for the detention was multiple violations of the conditions of the probationary period.

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