Teller Report

Can you save young people's consumption while being willing to spend money? Do you understand?

1/18/2021, 9:59:06 PM

  While buying out-of-print sneakers and luxurious beauty makeup at big prices; while at the same time, they are keen on buying singles and   spending on "wool wool" young people, do you understand? (Focus on young people's consumption views (part 1)   Generations of young people always lead the consumption trend. And the "post-95s" and "post-00s" in front of them, while "buying, buying", left a

  While buying out-of-print sneakers and luxurious beauty makeup at big prices; while at the same time, they are keen on buying singles and

  spending on

"wool wool"

young people, do you understand?

(Focus on young people's consumption views (part 1)

  Generations of young people always lead the consumption trend.

And the "post-95s" and "post-00s" in front of them, while "buying, buying", left a big question mark for many onlookers.

  Why do they not hesitate to buy out-of-print sneakers and luxury beauty makeup at a big price, but at the same time they are keen to put together orders and buy together, so that the delivery fee of a few dollars can be saved?

Speaking of enthusiasm, they do love travel, leisure, and afternoon tea more, but they are always there in the Internet "bargaining" and "building".

They are accustomed to being "grassed" on social media, videos, and live broadcasts, but keen merchants have discovered that they actually love price comparisons and browse orders with lower conversion rates.

  Similar phenomena grow together in the consumer world of this group of young people. It is difficult to be simply defined. So, how should we understand it?

  While willing to spend money, save while saving

  After "planting grass" for more than a month, "post-00s" college student Anian made up his mind to buy a newest Apple electronic product. Although she greeted her parents, privately, she saved enough for her daily expenses.

"Save as long as you can. If you don't save the money you save, just buy what you like."

  Friends around me also have similar characteristics. "If you have something you like, or to be beautiful, or to pursue the trend, or because everyone around you has it, you will be willing to buy it." Anian said, once, a classmate In order to save money to buy a Nintendo game console, the monthly living expenses only cost a few hundred yuan.

  Some are still students, and some are new to the workplace. Although they do not have much disposable income, they dare to spend and dare to buy. This has become a major feature of "post-95s" and "post-00s."

In the context of the Internet, their consumption behavior also constitutes a kaleidoscope of multiple scenes.

  If you look at it from a traditional perspective, on the one hand, it is willing to spend money.

  Blind boxes, sneakers, trendy games, figures, e-sports... these "money-burning" items are mainly consumed by young people.

Data shows that the "post-95s" accounted for nearly 40% of blind box consumers, of which 8.6% of users can accept a blind box unit price of more than 1,000 yuan.

  Buying big names is not "soft".

Analysys and jointly released the "Post-95 Youth Group Consumer Trend Insight 2020", which shows that "post-95" accounts for 59% of online luxury consumers in China, and about half of "post-95" luxury consumers are in luxury goods. Over 50,000 yuan was spent last year.

Hailan Mystery, Bulgari, Hermes, Estee Lauder, etc. are the luxury brands with the fastest growth in consumer consumption among Suning Tesco's "post-95" users.

  "Hundreds and thousands of things really mean that you can buy it." "It feels like a few hundred dollars is not a big expense." During the interview, several "post-95s" expressed similar views.

  On the other hand, they are keen to save money.

  "Post-95s" are also very careful in their consumption. They like to compare prices when shopping. The browsing-order conversion rate is significantly lower than that of users of other age groups, and "post-95s" users are saving money in shopping, social e-commerce, etc. Participation is also high.

Whenever there is a big e-commerce promotion, young people are also the main force in various fancy promotions such as "bargaining" and "building a building".

  The money you don't want to spend can be saved.

In the WeChat groups gathered by many "post-95s" and "post-00s", the reporter saw that in addition to exchanges of hobbies, the most common ones were to borrow information such as video memberships, takeaway orders, and "cutting" discounts. "It becomes a little pleasure of consumption.

  This may seem time-consuming and laborious, but they don't think so.

"Delivery fees and some small expenses can of course be saved. Takeaway software sometimes superimposes bank card discounts. It is very cost-effective to have red envelopes every day. It takes a minute to get familiar with it. Who will get your money back from the capital? Are you unhappy?" said Zhang Han, a post-95 office worker.

  "Consumption concepts are complex and diverse, seemingly contradictory but actually shrewd." The relevant report summarizes the consumption of the "post-95" population in this way.

  Some people may ask: Is the same group of people who spend money and save money?

The reporter threw the question to several "post-95s" and "post-00s".

Their answers are highly similar: "It does fit many people around." What is certain is that such bipolar characteristics coexist among young consumer groups.

  Pay for what you love, highlight individual tags

  If "savvy" is still the background color of young people's consumption, then, what is the driving force in the process from "saving money" to "spending money"?

  "Pay for what you love." From young people, analysis agencies, and brand merchants, there will be unanimous answers.

However, this "beloved" has a clear difference from consumers of other age groups.

  Li Yang, associate professor of marketing at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, told reporters that the value of products can be divided into economic value, functional value, experience value and social value. Among young consumers, the proportion of social value has been significantly enlarged.

"From trendy shoes to blind boxes, they buy goods not only for their own use, but also to share, so as to enrich their social life and expand their social influence. They are expressing themselves through products, highlighting their individuality, and constantly strengthening their community affiliation. And labels." Li Yang said.

  The growing momentum in recent years, such as new consumption phenomena such as circle culture and national tide, also confirms this logic.

  Two-dimensional, e-sports, trendy play, hand-made, national style... They were originally just the circle culture of young people, but in recent years, the circle has been continuously broken through and has become a very significant phenomenon of young consumption.

Take Hanfu as an example. Statistics show that the market size of Hanfu on Taobao platform in 2019 has exceeded 2 billion yuan, and it has maintained an annual growth rate of about 150%.

Lolita, Hanfu, JK uniforms... Behind the sudden emergence of niche markets, it is the consumer groups dominated by young people that support them.

  "The price is not cheap, generally thousands of yuan, and some tens of thousands of yuan. The occasions for ordinary wear are limited, but they just like it and want to buy and collect." Xiao Kong is a niche clothing fan of the "post-95". Different styles of clothing will be purchased at intervals.

She also joins many social circles with this theme, real-time exchange and sharing, and get the latest information and market, which has become a part of their consumption and life.

  "Guochao" is another word that has spread all over the Internet.

From the big white rabbit and ramen, to Huili, Feiyue, Li Ning, to Huaxizi, Perfect Diary, many authentic Chinese brands and Chinese manufacturing have won the favor of young people, and IP cooperation, cross-border, national style design, circle culture, etc. It is often a "weapon" of the brand.

  "Indeed, the'post-95s and post-00s' now prefer'Made in China'. Compared with international brands, these domestic brands know more about insight and meet the needs of young people, and are more in line with their individual expression, rather than from other cultural perspectives. Chinese young people." Zong Hao, vice president of Yuanqi Forest, a cutting-edge domestic beverage brand, told this reporter that it is this trend that has brought many new opportunities to emerging domestic brands.

  However, conventional products can no longer meet the demand.

"Behind this, Chinese design and Chinese aesthetics are needed to really impress young people, so that they are willing to buy, and can take pictures, which is worth sharing." Zong Hao emphasized.

  It’s consumption and expression

  Of course, every generation has its own social needs, but there are signs that in the "post-95s" and "post-00s", social and consumption are more closely linked.

Using consumption to express attitudes and opinions has also become a more enthusiastic publicity method for many businesses.

  Why is there such a change?

  In Li Yang's view, there is an economic and social evolution behind this.

"Today's post-95s and post-00s are a generation that has grown up under the background of high economic growth and low birth rate. Most of them are only children. In reality, there is a lack of social interaction or fewer traditional social outlets. The Internet has become their search Community belonging and an alternative way to socialize."

  Li Yang said that returning to the real world, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and in a unique niche circle, it is better to show oneself and it is relatively easy to gain respect and recognition.

This also explains the prevalence of circle culture.

On the other hand, mobile Internet is rapidly spreading. Whether in cities and mountainous areas, "the world is flat", young people can see almost everything, and the urban-rural and regional differences in the consumption field have been greatly compressed.

  "In addition, they are a generation who can not worry about food and clothing. Under the combined effect of multiple factors, they are willing to consume, dare to consume, and even consumption has become their way of expression." Li Yang said.

  This also explains to some extent the increasing acceptance of advanced consumption among young people.

Nielsen’s "Report on China’s Young People’s Indebtedness" shows that among consumers aged 18-29, the overall credit product penetration rate is 86.6%, of which 42.1% of young people only use consumer credit and are paid off in the same month, 43.3 % Of young people think that using credit products is a smarter way to consume.

  "Purchasing in installments is equivalent to'no money'. This feeling is true." Xiaokong gave an example of a JK uniform of 1,800 yuan, two to three hundred yuan a month after the installment, even friends who have no income, feel that Very acceptable.

Although he is an office worker, there is no funding gap, but when buying a camera worth more than 10,000 yuan, Xiao Kong also chose to pay in installments.

"There is no interest, I feel that the installment is more cost-effective, this is cheap and not for nothing."

  Advanced consumption is an intuitive manifestation of stronger consumer willingness.

"This shows that young people are willing to consume and have confidence in the future. More importantly, the supply is abundant, and new credit tools and models have emerged, creating opportunities for young people. This process has already happened in Western countries." Li Yang said This is essentially a combination of social idle funds and the needs of young people after the economy has developed to a certain level.

However, the pace of supervision also needs to keep up to avoid excessive expansion of credit consumption.

  I like circle culture, diverse interests, advocating individuality, paying attention to appearance, keen on social networking, easy to be "grassed"... It is undeniable that today's young consumers are really different from the past.

Li Jie

Li Jie