Teller Report

Calendar sheet 2021: January 19th

1/18/2021, 11:08:48 PM

display Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 19, 2021: 3rd calendar week, 19th day of the year 346 days until the end of the year display Zodiac sign: Capricorn Name day: Agritius, Smeralda HISTORICAL DATA display 2020 - At the Berlin Libya Summit, the states involved in the civil war commit themselves to complying with an arms embargo. The agreement is not kept, the civi


Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 19, 2021:

3rd calendar week, 19th day of the year

346 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Agritius, Smeralda



2020 - At the Berlin Libya Summit, the states involved in the civil war commit themselves to complying with an arms embargo.

The agreement is not kept, the civil war continues.

2019 - The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder is elected as the new chairman of the CSU at a special party conference in Munich.

Honorary chairman is Söder's predecessor Horst Seehofer, Federal Minister of the Interior since 2018.

2011 - The EU Parliament passes a law on the free choice of doctors in the EU.

From 2013, a doctor's visit in another EU country will be reimbursed by the patient's health insurance.


2006 - The Bundestag seals the end of the Berlin Palace of the Republic.

The Humboldt Forum with the baroque facades of the Berlin City Palace will be built in place of “Erich's lamp shop”.

2001 - One day before his departure from office, US President Bill Clinton issued a written statement that he had knowingly made false and misleading information about his relationship with the then intern Monica Lewinsky in the White House.

1999 - The Kassel Federal Labor Court confirmed the admissibility of general smoking bans in the workplace.

1996 - The hijacking of the Turkish Black Sea ferry "Avrasya" with 221 passengers and crew members ends bloodlessly when the pro-Chechen hostage-takers surrender after three days.

1991 - Because of the Gulf War, many carnival clubs in the Federal Republic of Germany cancel their events.

1966 - Indira Gandhi, daughter of former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, is elected Prime Minister of India.



1946 - Dolly Parton (75), American country singer ("Pure & Simple", "Jolene")

1946 - Julian Barnes (75), British writer ("A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters") and crime writer (under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh)

1921 - Patricia Highsmith, American writer ("Two Strangers on a Train", "The Talented Mr. Ripley"), d. 1995

1906 - Lilian Harvey, British actress (numerous Ufa films, "The Three from the Gas Station", "The Congress Dances"), exile in France in 1939, later in the USA, died 1968

1821 - Ferdinand Gregorovius, German cultural historian, important for his portrayal of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages and his portrayal of historical landscapes, d. 1891


1986 - Sammy Drechsel, German journalist, director, producer and cabaret director, co-founder and member of the Munich laughing and shooting society, born in 1925

1576 - Hans Sachs, German poet and mastersinger ("Die Wittenbergisch Nachtigall"), born 1494

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