Teller Report

Whatsapp postpones new privacy rules to May 15th

1/15/2021, 8:29:28 PM

On February 8, no accounts will be deleted WhatsApp, Privacy Guarantor: unclear changes, possible urgent intervention Social, Telegram: record new users, 25 million in 3 days Share January 15, 2021WhatsApp postpones the date to review and accept the new privacy terms to May 15. Therefore on February 8, no accounts will be suspended or deleted. This was announced by the group in a statement. "We will continue to work to clarify incorrect i

  • WhatsApp, Privacy Guarantor: unclear changes, possible urgent intervention

  • Social, Telegram: record new users, 25 million in 3 days


January 15, 2021WhatsApp postpones the date to review and accept the new privacy terms to May 15.

Therefore on February 8, no accounts will be suspended or deleted.

This was announced by the group in a statement.

"We will continue to work to clarify incorrect information regarding security and privacy on WhatsApp. Gradually, and according to the timing of each, we will invite our users to review the information before May 15, when the new options will be available. business ", emphasizes the company.

 The company clarifies that "WhatsApp is built on a simple concept: Everything you share with family and friends stays with you. This means that we will continue to protect personal conversations with end-to-end encryption. Thanks to this security measure, neither WhatsApp nor Facebook can see private messages. This is why we do not keep track of the people who are called or to whom the messages are sent. WhatsApp cannot even see the shared location and does not share contacts with Facebook. "

The latest update, notes WhatsApp, "does not change any of this. This update instead includes new optional options that allow users to exchange messages with companies that use WhatsApp and offer greater transparency on how we collect and use data. . At the moment, the use of WhatsApp to make purchases is not very widespread. However, we believe it is important that you are aware of this service, because in the future more and more users will choose to use it. This update does not increase our ability to share information with Facebook ".