Teller Report

Victims have heard about filmed rapes

1/15/2021, 7:58:48 PM

Movies in the man's mobile showed how he rapes different women. Several of the women have contacted the police following requests to contact them - but some of the man's victims are still unidentified.

On Thursday, a 33-year-old man from Stockholm was requested to be remanded in custody, suspected of a total of eleven rapes, of which one was aggravated, and two cases of sexual abuse.

The acts took place between 2018 and 2020, and in most cases on Södermalm, but also in Söderort and Norrtälje.

The abuse was discovered when the police emptied the man's mobile phone, as he was suspected of drug crimes.

A number of videos were found on his mobile phone showing how he raped a number of women, some of whom appeared to be asleep or unconscious.

Found women

- These are, among other things, the abuses for which he is currently detained.

Then there are also other people who have reported rape to the police, so there are other occasions also among these 13 crimes, says the prosecutor and the head of the preliminary investigation Helena Nordstrand.

At the end of November, the police went out and asked women who may have been abused to contact them.

And according to Helena Nordstrand, this has yielded results:

- We have found some of these women, but are also still looking for some who are still unknown.

What we said earlier still applies, that if you have any information to provide in the investigation or have met this person, then we want you to contact the police, she says.

Can grow

She does not want to go into any details about, for example, the suspect's approach.

The investigation continues, among other things, the investigators are waiting for analytical answers from the National Forensic Center.

The investigation may grow, according to the prosecutor:

- It can not be ruled out.