Teller Report

Therefore, NU healthcare wants to prioritize parts of the management

1/15/2021, 7:49:16 PM

Parts of the management for NU healthcare may take the lead in the queue for the coronavina vaccine. According to hospital director Björn Järbur, it is about being able to secure the operations. In total, there are about a thousand vaccine doses, of which five according to the hospital director will go to the management. - We must have people who can make quick decisions, he says.

The vaccination of healthcare staff within NU healthcare, which includes Norra Älvsborg County Hospital and Uddevalla Hospital, will take place in two stages.

First out are clinical staff and staff working in intensive care.

Then comes stage two - and there the management team is among the first on the list.

Among other things, they go before AT doctors and staff who work at the gynecology clinic, which has attracted the attention of, among others, DN.

- Management is really not more important than anyone else.

But there are people there who are crucial for the business to work.

Had they not been in place when the coronavirus broke out this spring, everything would have collapsed, says Björn Järbur.

But it's not about the whole hospital management.

According to Björn Järbur, there are about five people in the management who will be vaccinated before other staff who are further down the list.

In total, a thousand people working in the hospitals will receive their first vaccine dose next week.

According to Björn Järbur, the risk of temporary side effects, such as fever and chills, is another reason why one chooses to prioritize hospital management.

For example, not all staff involved in stage one will be vaccinated in the first round.

- The risk is that everyone gets sick at the same time, and we do not want to risk that.

I understand that it can sting people's eyes, but I think it's stupid not to be able to see it from several different perspectives, he says.