Teller Report

The European Commission announced the complication of the situation with coronavirus in Europe

1/15/2021, 8:09:40 PM

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that after the winter holidays, the number of cases of COVID-19 infection in the European Union is growing.

“Europe is going through very difficult times.

In many Member States, the COVID-19 pandemic is very serious.

After the vacation break, the number of cases is increasing.

New variants of the virus have been found in dozens of countries.

And the restrictions, which are absolutely necessary, seriously affect people, ”Interfax quoted her as saying.

She stated the need to maintain security measures.

The EU, she said, will support its member states "in every possible way."

Earlier, the director of the WHO health emergencies program, Michael Ryan, said that the World Health Organization does not rule out that the decision on immune passports may change in their favor with the development of the situation with COVID-19.