Teller Report

Requiring a man to refund 12,000 dirhams fees for a "fake" work visa

1/15/2021, 10:10:50 PM

Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance ruled to oblige a man to pay the last amount of 12 thousand dirhams, after he signed a contract with him, and deluded him of his ability to obtain a work visa for him inside the country, and he seized the amount for himself, and the court ruled to terminate the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding providing a work visa to the

Requiring a man to refund 12,000 dirhams fees for a "fake" work visa

The plaintiff deposited the 12,000 dirhams in the defendant’s personal account.


Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance ruled to compel a man to pay the last amount of 12 thousand dirhams, after he signed a contract with him, and deluded him of his ability to obtain a work visa for him inside the country, and he seized the amount for himself, and the court ruled to terminate the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding the provision of a work visa for the first And by obligating the defendant to return the amount.

In the details, a man filed a lawsuit against another, in which he demanded to compel him to return the amount of 12 thousand dirhams while obliging him to pay fees and expenses, indicating that the defendant had deluded him that he would obtain a work visa for him, but he seized the amount and refused to return it, and enclosed in the lawsuit papers receipts transferring the amount to the plaintiff Therefore, while the defendant submitted a note written in a foreign language, and the Court's Case Management Office assigned him to translate it, he did not do so.

For its part, the court clarified that from the attached papers the plaintiff deposited the amount of 12 thousand dirhams in the defendant’s personal account, and the defendant, despite his presence, did not pay any payment or defense in the lawsuit, and it did not deny that the plaintiff was the one who deposited the amount in his account.

The court decided to terminate the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding the provision of a work visa for the plaintiff and return them to the state they were in before the contract, and refund the amount of 12 thousand dirhams, and pointed out that the fees and expenses will be committed by the defendant in accordance with the requirements of Article 55 of the bylaws of the Civil Procedure Law.

- The

court decided to cancel the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant.

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