Teller Report

Ponsiluoma pushed away Sweden's chances in the relay

1/15/2021, 2:59:05 PM

Jesper Nelin has a cold - then Oskar Brandt, 25, got the chance for the first time in a Swedish relay team in the World Cup. But the debutant got a tough starting position after Martin Ponsiluoma pulled on a penalty round - and Sweden did not manage to follow up the success from the latest relay.

In the latest World Cup relay, Sweden won - the first blue-yellow men's victory in two years.

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Sebastian Samuelsson made sure that Sweden kept out and won the relay in Hochfilzen.

Photo: Bildbyrån

But in the snowfall in Oberhof on Friday, Sweden was not close to the podium - Martin Ponsiluoma missed Sweden's chances on the second leg.

Ponsiluoma: "Frustrating"

The 25-year-old took over after Peppe Femling and went out hard and picked up a couple of seconds and a few places immediately.

But in the horizontal shot he blocked three shots, the three extra shots were not enough - and Ponsiluoma had to go on a penalty round.

- I do not know where I missed.

It is frustrating, says Ponsiluoma to SVT Sport afterwards.

But in the standing shot, Ponsiluoma took revenge when he shot both full and fast.

But when "Ponsi" then switched to relay debutant Oskar Brandt, Sweden was one minute and 38 seconds seconds behind as the tenth nation.

- I'm glad I managed the penalty round, I'm happy with the standing shot, Brandt says.

In the horizontal shot, Brandt also blocked three shots, but he managed to put the extra shots and avoided the penalty round.

In the standing, there was another boom and an extra shot.

On the final lap, Brandt lost 30 seconds, before it was time to switch to Sebastian Sameulsson.

"Receive reports that Samuelsson ran wrong"

Then the Swedish finisher was seen running out to the exchange area.

- We get reports that he ran wrong, says SVT's commentator Lotta Fahlberg in the broadcast.

But the stressful start did not seem to bother Samuelsson at all.

In horizontal shooting, he fired fully in 27 seconds.

Samuelsson was also faultless in the standing shot and he drove Sweden up from eleventh to seventh place.

German collapse at the penultimate shooting

Germany, France, Italy and Norway settled for the podium.

But in the penultimate shot, the German Philipp Horn collapsed - he blocked six (!) Shots and fired three full rounds of penalties.

At the last shot, France was first on the embankment.

Émilien Jacquelin blocked a shot, but put the extra shot and left the embankment 23 seconds ahead of Norway.

Johannes Tignes Bö gave everything he had at the final lap - but it was not enough.

The victory for France, their first in relay this season, Norway second and Italy third.

The text is updated.