Teller Report

Pelosi assigns a retired general to review Capitol security measures.

1/15/2021, 11:09:40 PM

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that a retired general who previously coordinated military operations during Hurricane Katrina would oversee an immediate security review of the Capitol security measures a week after supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the building.

Pelosi assigns a retired general to review Capitol security measures.

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that a retired general who previously coordinated military operations during Hurricane Katrina would oversee an immediate security review of Capitol security measures a week after supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the building.

"We must submit the entire boat to scrutiny in light of what happened, and with the approaching inauguration," the Democratic official told reporters, referring to Joe Biden's swearing-in next Wednesday in front of the Capitol to become the forty-sixth US president.

"Therefore, I asked retired Lieutenant General Russell Honorary to oversee an immediate review of the security infrastructure, interagency operations, and command and control," she added, describing the man as a "respected leader with experience in dealing with crises."

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