Teller Report

ICUs face key weeks to avoid a health collapse greater than in the second wave

1/15/2021, 8:59:17 PM

"The rhythm of entry to the ICU is maintained and that puts the centers in a complicated situation and, in terms of care, it suggests that we may have it much more complicated in the next




Friday, 15 January 2021 - 21:51

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"The pace of entry to the ICU is maintained and that puts the centers in a complicated situation and, in terms of care, it suggests that we may have it much more complicated in the coming weeks. We cannot rule out that the pandemic accelerates."

This is how the Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Alba Vergès, alerted this Thursday about the risk of collapse in hospitals.

How real and imminent is this risk of collapse?

Have we returned to the situation of March and April?

"I don't think I will

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