Teller Report

Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the HSE Institute of Demography, dies

1/15/2021, 9:10:23 PM

Director of the Institute of Demography of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Professor Emeritus Anatoly Vishnevsky died at the age of 86. This is reported on the website of the university.

As noted, Vishnevsky was an outstanding scientist, he was considered the main demographer of the entire post-Soviet space.

He made a great contribution not only to demographic science, but also to social history, the economy of population.

Vishnevsky took an active part in public activities and the work of international organizations - the UN, UNESCO and others.

Author of over 500 publications, including not only scientific works, but also journalism and works of art.

He was nominated for the Booker Prize for his documentary collage novel Intercepted Letters.