Teller Report

Amazon withdraws Turner's diaries, the 'Bible' of the US far right

1/15/2021, 3:08:42 PM

They have dubbed it "the bible of the racist right." The New York Times calls it "deeply anti-Semitic" and British academic John Sutherland believes that more than



    The Angels

Updated on Friday, 15 January 2021 - 15:54

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  • Attack.

    Four dead and 52 arrested in the assault by Donald Trump's followers on the US Capitol

  • Graphics.

    This was the assault of Trump's followers on the US Capitol

They have dubbed it

"the bible of the racist right."


The New York Times

calls him work "deeply anti -

Semitic" and the British academic John Sutherland believes that more than a book of a negationist of the Nazi Holocaust is the vision of a fanatical in their desire to repeat it


They are not exaggerating.

The Turner Diaries,

a novel written by

William Luther Pierce

under the pseudonym

Andrew Macdonald,

describes a violent revolution in the United States where the federal government succumbs

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