Teller Report

Akito Watabe is in 8th place Ski Nordic Combined World Cup

1/15/2021, 2:58:36 PM

[NHK] The Ski Nordic Combined World Cup was held in Italy on the 15th, and Akito Watabe was the top 8th Japanese player.

The Ski Nordic Combined World Cup was held in Italy on the 15th, and Akito Watabe was 8th among the top Japanese players.

The Ski Nordic Combined Men's World Cup was held in Bardi Fieme, Italy for the first time in about three weeks.

Japanese ace Watanabe finished second in the first half of the jump on a normal hill with a hill size of 104 meters, flying 102 meters.

In the second half of the 10km cross-country, he started 40 seconds behind the top and ran in groups of 2nd and below up to around 7.5km, but finished in 8th.

Other Japanese



▽ Watanabe's younger brother Zento in 20th place,

▽ Ryota Yamamoto in 22nd place,

▽ Hideaki Nagai in 30th place,

▽ Kodai Kimura in 38th place, and

▽ Sora Taniji. It was 45th place.

The winner was Jarl Magnus Riiber of Norway, who is aiming for the third consecutive all-around victory.

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