Teller Report

After the economic stimulus package, Biden reveals the details of his plan to vaccinate against Corona

1/15/2021, 11:10:20 PM

On Friday, US President-elect Joe Biden revealed his program in the field of fighting the Corona pandemic, explaining in detail his measures to accelerate the vaccination of Americans against the virus.

On Friday, US President-elect Joe Biden revealed his program in the field of fighting the Corona pandemic, explaining in detail his measures to accelerate the vaccination of Americans against the virus.

And 5 days before the swearing-in in Washington, DC, which appears to be a fortified camp due to concrete blocks, barbed wire and military patrols, Biden spoke from Wilmington, Delaware, saying that he intends to open "thousands" of vaccination centers to accelerate the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in the United States.

"We will use all the resources of the federal government to set up thousands of vaccination centers," he said during a press conference, in gyms or stadiums.

The president-elect's plan also includes mobilizing 100,000 health care providers to conduct vaccinations, adding, "I promise you, we will deal with this situation as never before."

Wanting to appear as the man in charge after Donald Trump's second indictment, which represents a historic precedent, Thursday, Biden unveiled a giant economic stimulus plan.

Biden wants to show his ability to overcome the origins of this epidemic, which since the beginning of January has left an average of more than 3 thousand deaths per day in the United States, with more than 238 thousand injuries recorded every day.

And about this horrific outcome, health officials said that they expected it after the end of the year holiday and did not slow down the slow start of the vaccination campaign, as about 9.7 million Americans received the first dose of the vaccine by Friday, and 1.3 million received the second dose, which is a much lower number. From what was promised by the Trump administration, which said it will vaccinate 20 million people before the end of 2020.

It is noteworthy that, with more than 388 thousand deaths related to Covid-19, the United States is the most affected country in the world, and it still has about 129 thousand patients with the virus in hospitals, according to the "Covid Tracking Project" website.